

Choose Choice ( Part 2 )
Below questions are given to choose my choice. These question i received by some people who sent me the letters.

◆ What will you prefer to wear always ?
Western dresses or Indian wear
Ans ~ Both always .

◆ What will you prefer ?
Leggings or long socks
Ans ~ Long socks .

◆ What will you prefer ?
Sneakers or heels
Ans ~ Heels .

◆ Which place will you prefer to visit ?
Cold places or Hot places
Ans ~ Cold places

◆ What is your dream to to get ? A Mansion or a Wonderland
Ans ~ Mansion

◆ Which application you use the most ?
Instagram or Twitter
Ans ~ Instagram

◆ Which is the app entertains you the most ?
Netflix or Spotify
Ans ~ I don't use Netflix , so the my entertaining app is Spotify too !

◆ What will you prefer to read most ?
Stories or poems
Ans Probably stories always .

◆ What will you prefer ?
Films or series ( Indian serials )
Ans ~ Mostly , Indian serials .

◆ Which is your favorite subject ?
Civics or Maths
Ans ~ Civics always , cause I am good in it .

◆ Who is the most important in your life ?
Your sister / or brothers or your best friends ?
Ans ~ Sister always .

◆ What will you prefer ?
Red lipstick or pink lipstick ?
Ans ~ Red lipstick .

The questions were amazing , thankyou for these wonderful questions . Next part will come soon .

~ jasmine Raghtate

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