

Loss of Faith
In the void of faith, a chasm wide,
Emotions swirl, like a stormy tide,
Confusion reigns, and hearts divide,
As beliefs crumble, and certainties subside;

In the darkness, fears and doubts reside,
A search for meaning, a desperate stride,
Through the shadows, a glimmer of light,
A chance for growth, in the dark of night;

But conflict rages, like a burning fire,
As hearts and minds, with differing desires,
Clash and collide, in a tumultuous sea,
Where emotions raw, and feelings spree;

Yet, in the chaos, a chance to renew
To find the strength, in a heart that's true,
To rise from the ashes, like a phoenix born,
To find the beauty, in a soul that's torn;
By Krishna Kumari
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