

The shadow
I saw what you both done
I saw what the others didn't see

I heard what you both said
I heard what the others didn't hear

I was the only other person there
I felt what the others didn't feel

Yous twisted your backstabbing actions
Yous twisted your backstabbing words

Yous made someone I trusted a betrayer
They trusted your f*cked up lies over me

Yous don't know the pain
Yous don't care who yous hurt alsong as yous gain

Yous made me feel the pain I felt
for all those years

No one cared about me
I wanted be free

Sitting alone on that bench
Crying but no one there to hear

I was an outsider
Wanting to be let in

Wanting someone to rescue me
from the world's sin

I was bullied day after day
Now it's time for them to pay

I don't know how I don't know where
But what yous done to me will finally be fair

© M