

Our love story
As the clouds swell up with rain and cry I have the urge to hold you tight
Safe in your grasp as we live through the night 
Everything is alright 
The aroma of the rain is surprisingly refreshing 
Like an intoxicating smell that’s messing
 with my head, I desire to lie in bed, but I crave you there with me 
Look me in my eyes like you’ve missed me 
I’ll lace my fingers in yours cause I’m happy  
Let’s just remain in the moment and be
Just the two of us here
While everything is alright
Your magical orbs, chest but brown orbs cast an enchantment on me
Your vox is my music 
Please play me your symphony
Even if it’s not forever 
Even if our days are numbered 
Let me listen to your melody.
Somehow it soothes me
Each word oozing from your lips as if it were meant to be
When our lips meet 
A surge of ecstasy fills me.
I want to be by you as the day dies, 
Clutching you as if  you were a star in the night sky 
And I got a chance to comfort you 
Adore you and know you.  

© ash_loner🌸