


As the year draws to a close, echoes fill the air,
Whispers of memories, moments we all share.
The laughter and tears, the triumphs and fears,
They all come together as the year disappears.
Echoes of joy, like fireworks in the sky,
Moments of celebration that make our spirits fly.
The laughter of loved ones, the warmth of their embrace,
These echoes of happiness, we'll forever chase.
But echoes can also hold the weight of sorrow,
The challenges faced, the hardships we borrow.
Yet within those echoes, strength begins to grow,
As we learn and evolve, ready to face what may follow.
So let the echoes of the year guide us on our way,
Reminding us of the lessons learned day by day.
With hope in our hearts and dreams in our sight,
We'll welcome the new year, its echoes shining bright.
May the echoes of the year bring you joy, strength, and inspiration as you step into the new year. Embrace the memories and lessons, and let them guide you towards a future filled with happiness and success.

© Tara Lee