

LIFE 2.0
Temporary travel in a place unknown,
A thousand faces seen during a time on loan,
Sent into this planet that we call earth,
From a mere speck of dust we were given birth.

Fighting hard to find a place amongst the crowd,
Calling on all we’re given, blessed with, and endowed.
A struggle it can be from the very start,
To gain our footing and into the awaiting world depart.
Venturing out to be greeted by what awaits,
Nervously treading, step by step beyond the open gates.

What do we focus on? Who do we believe?
What can be done to be ‘qui vive’?
Surviving on this earth that’s possibly discoid,
We travel to places in search of something to fill that void.
We can look up to the heavens and hope answers we find,
Opportunities not direct solutions, will help remind.

Circumstances that will help prove,
That this is where we’re meant to be and push us into our groove.
Hit the ground running though we may,
The seeds of support, to and from others will create a way.
A way to achieve our lifelong goal,
Provide encouragement for the journey and nourishment for the soul.

At the end, what defines a life so successful and complete?
Hard work? Inheritance? or just being discreet?
To sum up what this wonderful thing we call life is all about,
The best way to put it, is ‘A Gift’ whenever in doubt.

-Sheldon Dominic Fernandez

Editor: Elrica Wendel Menezes
B.Sc. Human Development
B.Ed. English & Science
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