

"No Man is Ugly"
No man is ugly, so the wise men say,
For beauty lies deep, in a unique way,
In every soul, in every heart,
It's just a matter of finding the right part.

For some, it's in their eyes so bright,
That shine like stars in the darkest night,
For others, it's in their gentle smile,
That can light up the world for miles and miles.

It's in the kindness that they show,
In the way they give and let others grow,
In the way they lift up those who fall,
And make them stand tall, once and for all.

It's in the courage to face the day,
When life seems hard and the skies are grey,
In the determination to rise and try,
And never give up, until they fly.

It's in the passion that they feel,
For the things they love, that are so real,
In the way they create and make art,
And touch the world with their beating heart.

No man is ugly, when you look inside,
And see the beauty that they try to hide,
When you see the strength and the soul,
That makes them whole, and helps them roll.

For beauty is not a matter of looks,
Or the clothes we wear, or the books we took,
It's in the way we live and love,
And the light we shine, from above.

So, let us cherish the beauty within,
And let it shine, like the sun on our skin,
Let us celebrate the unique and the true,
And embrace the beauty that lives in me and you.
© Patidee