

My mentor
You did everything right,
You taught me,
You cared for me,
And you protected me,
You gave me an outlet for my emotions,
And you helped shape me into me.
For a while at least,
Then I took a change,
I guess I looked up to you so much,
Maybe a little to much,
Because I started turning into you.
It wasn't noticeable in the beginning,
It was just small things like phrases or expressions,
But then I began acting like you in more ways then those,
I started to show less emotions like you,
I started to talk like you,
I started to show expressions like you,
I started to become brutal like you,
And I started to act like you completely.
I don't believe that you are at fault here,
I think maybe it was my fault,
Maybe I looked up to you too much,
Maybe I thought that you were the best I could become,
Even though you weren't and will never be,
Maybe I thought if I could be like you I'd wouldn't be a failure,
Maybe I thought if I was like you I'd be a hero.
What I didn't think of was that I could become my own hero,
That I could be my best me without being you,
That I wouldn't be a failure no matter what,
So I let myself get dragged into being a mini you,
And it destroyed who I once was.

I try to leave the habits,
The behaviors,
And the ideas I picked up,
But I can't,
Everytime I stop I end up going back,
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