

loss of address
I drop the coin
and the ripples move outward
making bigger circles
less bold
how do I qualify
a condition of this
a consequence
without pattern
without source
have I authored this
to make me
feel differently
make others feel
for me
I have walked with
shame and courage
motivated by more
than image
but loving it
the sensation
feeling it
not letting it

you're more than my
other as reflection
you're more than
with me
to me
or for us
I can't hold
but I can embrace
I've been
with rage
hopeful mostly
a weakness
listening for
a merry xmas
and a happy new year
it breaks my heart
I tear up
but I have toughened
I thought
then there was you
I don't work against you
resting in pity
correct-ing guilt
I don't want to sleep
and skip over
because there's still hope
do you want me
different from am I worthy
i believe you are
despite the blow
I've delivered my own
in delivery
I feel for
not around
its prickly and soft
unsure of my strength or loss
when and why
with and without qualification
you're here and gone
and I would