

Innocence of a Child
Can we try to reset our lives,
And get to choose the life we ever wanted,
Where suffering is not part of it
And all of our wishes are being granted.

Or if not, let us be child again,
Where we can just freely play around
Dance in the rain, running under the sun
Unbothered by chaos happening around.

Let me go out in the rain,
Let me feel those droplets on my face,
let me taste it,let me drink it
Why not? would I feel a pain?

Curiosity cures our inquisitive minds,
Making mistakes and lots of failures
Blame be in ignorance or innocence
Whichever they prefer, I wouldn't mind!

I want to become a child again
Where my heart offers love so pure
When giving or sharing is not a big deal
And Trusts so easily,though at times demure.

A child that cries out the pain he feels,
And When things don't go his way
Just wriggle On the ground and get dirty
Food be a happy pill, Smirking after for victory.

Yes, a child who knows nothing of ego
Whose smiles so genuine and laughter so real
A child who clearly enjoys the beauty of rain
Where problems of this wicked world not a big deal.
© aadieaudry