

happy earth day
i seek to the means of knowing  it.. i seek an answer of how it became it. how it revolve with her emitted form. how it became when it was no form.. emitting her energy to  give off light . making a space for the dwelling of humanity.  i seek an answer to how it became, how it become the race that erase.. the race that oppress , the race that inflict , the race that fade.. i seek an answer to where the expance went ,why it became congested for we to live..  the genesis of life on how it became. winding from the four conners of the world to give life.. flowing through all shores to keep the breath.. the beauty of the sky are there to see, the rhythm of the night are just like saint.. the bird chirp with their beautiful song . i seek an answer to how it became , how beautiful it is with strange seen.. earth is life , in it we live..
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