

*A Kind Soul*
Ah ! My 'mind' roamed
Beginning to imagine the depth of its own .
In its fullest of forms
It pleaded to see all its wrong .
It yearned for a hearing in the courthouse of the heaven ,
Thinking about those lonesome mornings .
The story of how it became friends with something
A kind soul to be exact, referring to the heart itself .
'Heart' being the temple of love, befriended 'mind' like it always does .
Soon those loneliest thoughts changed to happy memories , those angry moods into polite exclamatories .
That mighty 'mind' which stood alone sat down now with a kind soul ,
They both knew love they both knew war - togetherness being the power above .
That courthouse was now just a means for thy 'mind' to show how it feels ,
Thanking the 'heart' with all its power
For they both were now at peace .
© Anadi