

She lights the candles, of various shapes and sizes and colors, which encircle, her bedroom, to set afire, to set a spark, in a burning blaze, to the night, which is also, now accompanied, by silvery beams, of moonlight, setting the mood, engulfed, in a scented variety, that permeates the scenes, while being the spice, of life and love, as she climbs, into the bed, to lay down, feeling the sheets, against her, bare body, aligning, with her curves, as she covers herself, under the blankets, as she turns over, onto her side, while her head, rests on the pillow, when just then, she sees, from the corner, of her eye, she sees, the reflection, from the mirror, of the doors, to the balcony, slowly creak open, from a gentle breeze, as the flames, flicker and dance, with some, being blown out, as he, walks in, but she, does not see him, yet she, feels his presence, as he, is drawing nearer, with footsteps, silent, yet, there is, a sudden chill, that follows, that washes over, through her entire being, of eager anticipation.

So now, as the, covers begin to ruffle and are pulled back, she feels him, moving towards her, to now, spoon up, behind her, as she feels, the weight, of his body and his skin, against her, as she hears, him whisper, softly, in her ear, tjat he, loves her and cannot wait, to nibble, on her neck and touch her body and has, been craving her, as she twists, her back, towards him, to have her wrap, her arm around, to pull him in, closer, tighter, into an impassioned kiss, for within, his touch, his voice, she has become, a slave, to him and surrendering, to his heart and soul and mind, with the coming, of the night.
© PinkPajamaKisses&TeddyBearHugs