

"The sun doesn't shine this side of the world but we are fine.
And you might think the food doesn't grow this side of the world but we dine.

And the cold wind blows hard here; but our heart are warm.
And you took all our smiles but we still make some.

And you all took our love but we just got more to give.
We just learned to give it to someone willing to receive.

This side of the world the feelings are too real.
This side of the world we fight alone to heal.

That side of the world its a sin to feel.
The sun is out but the hearts are cold and there is a chill.

This side of the world we understand.
We do it together; we hold hands.

We are there for each other;together we stand.
And the love is greater and the peace is grand.

I'd come to the light but I'm good.
In this dark place where we made home;darling, we are the misunderstood.."
© Prince