

Escape route/ chattering mind
I mostly write to get away you know, from the mistakes of my past, from the stains of my present, that screams so silently like white noise from the TV screen.
one poem a day make you forget the meaningless job, the fact that I am still here. one poem. one book. one quote.
I write to regulate my thoughts, to get them organized, get the endless conversations to stop. sometimes I wonder, and don't stop leading to ruminations, a brooder, a distraught female, a confused suspicious person. if I let myself, you see, I'll fall and I don't think this time I'll get up after the mess I've made, the friends I lost, the time I wasted, the hearts I've broken. There's somethings that writing just fixes, maybe this is just me. even just for a moment. We all have our things let me have this.

© candiplus1