

My Confessions
Some have asked, why poetry?
thoughts composed providing tranquility
the answer is personal and deep
it records emotions I want to keep
you'll find my soul beneath the cover page
you'll read about pleasures, heartache, and rage
self-realization with determined summation
twisted sentences with delicate application
thoughts come to me in rhyme and verse
I cleanse my soul, like water I immerse
words in harmony, compose my testimony
emotional ink to speak with ambiguity
brief tangible lines capture novels in my mind
to help see clearly, sight for the blind
it draws a picture with puzzles to find
messages are clear, or never unbind
feelings inspire visualization and creation
opens my heart to complete absolution
a sacred art, poetry represents emotion
invisible audience listens with undying devotion
kept in my drawer their functions still fulfilled
written confessions will now be appealed
pen to paper and the beast became strong
for me, writing poetry will never feel wrong

#Poetry #poemoftheday #Love #LifeQuote #mywordsmypower #thoughts