

this is the problem in our situation, you need to pay attention... we have to know our obligation, this complication is giving me frustration, the violation. all the manipulation there's no justification... It's unsure that things will ever be the same, it's a shame I still carry your name... who's to blame me or you? ... yah we both do... but my heart you broke in two and now I don't have a clue on what I should do... I will never look at you like before and restore, cause you swore you would never do it for sure... im trying to forget what's been done , be numb I feel so dumb.... so betrayed, degrade so much hate it's weighing me down it feels like I'm about to drown... now all those years together is in question I feel the tension.... my suggestion is for you to do a confession, it's a lesson a reflection now I'm going in depression... it's not fair what you did shit I just wanna split... just quit but we have a kid... revenge I can't resist it's hard to dismissed... to fight this battle I don't know how, how did you just break our vow.. threw it in the window just for that bimbo, dingo, weirdo a stupid fucking psycho.... no one wanted her, a reject, defect, with no respect... will do anything for her own, it's doesn't matter who's in the way she's a prey, likes to play... like a free hotel, everyone's welcome to stay, any day on a tray, serve it to anyone that's want to eat... a piece of meat on the street, you can get it exchange for a weed... I'm gonna stop stressing, the two of you doesn't deserve my time, can't rewind... I deserve better, you guys can have each other... all I can say now is that's it I'm finally DONE!!

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