

You call it love?
Woow, How trembling the situation is!
Two poles apart united with an invisible thread,
In love, Still fighting who's right and who's wrong!
And you call it love?

The past was treacherous and confusing,
Once it is used as a weapon against your love it destroys everythng.
Just as an arrow once released does not return to the bow again.
And you call it love?

Whoa, who once healed a wound becomes a monster like the past,
Still trying the best to mend the hearts,
Remember, it also broke the bones of the human heart which were never really there.
And you call it love?

Why do people try to push the one away,
Isn't it that you were also a part of it,
Can you watch the one you love leaving?
Won't your eyes melt ,won't it break your heart?
But you still call it love?

Answer is simple , When they loves they don't leave,
If they leaves they never loved,
Break the heart until it becomes unbreakable,
Choose to leave now the pain is unfathomable.

© Saundarya Tripathi