

Doomsday is not far away!🌞🌞😓😥
Green jungles vanish,
concrete jungles flourish,
Glaciers recede,
groundwater depletes,
Grasslands turn into desert,
Accountable enjoy concerts,
The Cycle of seasons fails,
Instead of taking concrete steps,
They are just sending emails,
Over exploitation of natural resources,
And they say—
"Responsible are the extraterrestrial forces."
Happened Industrial revolution,
Output—only all-time high pollution,
People've begun to die,
But they sit idle and have apple pie,
Temperature is rising day by day,
"It's global warming", they confidently say,
No one sees the approaching red,
How bad, how Sad?!
Meanwhile, the blue planet, the Earth, is gradually turning into the Planet Red,
Scene imminent—
Lying all around, mounds of dead!

— Vijay Kumar
© Truly Chambyal