

No More
When my eyes dull with age and time
When the mischievous glint has fled
Will they love me no more?
When my hair grays and thins
When wrinkles mar my skin
Will they love me no more?
When my body is no longer taunt and tight as it once was
Will they love me no more?
When this body sags in places it was once full of life
When this mind is no longer so sharp
When I have forgotten my name
Will they love me no more?
When his eyes dull with age and time
When his spirit is no longer light with humor as it once was
Will I love him no more?
When his body is no longer rock hard
When everything cricks and creeks at the slightest of movements
Will I love him no more?
When his smile is not as bright as it once was, dulled by coffee and time
Will I love him no more?
When the world has changed and taken it's toll, nothing remaining the same
Will I love it no more?
When the years have passed and all things have changed
Will I love it no more?
When my life is done and my soul is weary will I look back and love it no more?
Did I love it at all?