

Hey young lady inside me
I know you can hear me
it is me the real owner of the body you are occupying
that means your just a tenant to me
you can be thrown out at any time so be careful.

Thank you
you have been a companion for the longest of time, Though
you speak when you are not asked to and that annoys me some times but what can I do?
I lost control of you so many times.
That should actually stop
because when u act people actually thinks I am the one responsible not knowing that you exist within me.
but I am still gratiful because you have saved me in so many ways.
you have saved me from shame and reproach so many times.
But still know your place and remember that you are still under my roof and can be kicked out any time
But still I can till let you stay for the time been as long as you stay aways from my business and come in when necessary.

so perhaps we can be good friends what do u thinks
it is feels good to know that I share a space with someone
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