

The Golden Eyes
My number started with '0',
My history started with '0',
And when I saw who I am,
I tell myself , You're '0' but indeed million '0',
I tell my bossy minds what does '0' mean,
And he tell me '0' is special,

When I wrote the '0' number,
I tears myself,
I remembered that everything started with '0',
And here I am with my hardwork,
The single '0' turned up to be "millions of 0",
And I shed the tears and saw the sunlight,

The sun shines through my eyes,
My brown eyes turned up to be golden gaze eyes,
And I thinking back the '0',
Thanking to '0' for growing up my mind,

The sunlight are seen as my struggleness,
That brought me up to be million of '0',
While golden eyes refer as myself,
Being an awesome human being,
With my own ordinary '0',
