

An ode to the beautiful girl
Hey you...I wish I could be with you all the hours, holding our hands tight
with a heart fused right,
confronting our odds with a shielded bond.
The very moment I fell for you
I was lost in your eyes
and later found myself in your heart.
My heart smiles in company with my lips
every time I see you.
You fell in my eyes
and I steered your love to my heart.
My conceptions and dreams are
imagining us, dreaming together under the same sky.
Heart seems to be a brush
which could only paint your love.
How serene; Nothing is more solemn than speaking with you for hours and hours.
No cosmetics are needed to make you fair
Your unique beauty is found nowhere.
Don't let thy heart brood about others
Let them get envious of our love
and end up impairing their feelings.
Wait till the haters perish
and our love will be cherished.
you're are befuddled, I know
How a small boy could take care of you.
I say, hey Rose, I'm primed to clasp thy
thorns by bare hand to kiss thy flower.
Let my blood make your rose red.

Hey you, old by age but young by heart
Nothing comes into life with ease;
for I gained you by true efforts,
and you are special from then.
I yearn to hold you in my arms,
and lips on your forehead,
hand and heart interweaved and
embrace each other till we bite the dust.
© Kevin