

Depending On
I have a face of sadness,
Sometimes I can't sew through all the madness.

I have a curfew but no one said I couldn't go out at five or six,
If I don't leave a note my seester might shit bricks,
No ticks,
No sticks,
No tricks
Silly little cake mix,
Quick little fix.

Tripping over,
The Red leafy clover,
No hangover,
Nothing leftover,
After tonight I might fall into bed and passover,
Watch your cup so it don't spillover,
And you could say in technicality I'm a pushover.

If I had a job, my own place license and a car I wouldn't be sitting in the wheelchair right now,
I would allow,
Only one person over, bow-wow
Empathasis on eye brow,
I'm not holier-that-thou.

Pratically unleashing,
And it automatically isn't seizing,
It's got me mentally sneezing,
Nd' wheezing,
Not even breifing,
Houses up for leasing,

And I can't buy a single one damn!,
All these people are a spam,
And I'm just like "Yes ma'am",
Everyday I cram,
Everything but a histogram.

I'm finding Nemo and finding Dory,
I could write a short story,
But I'll think I'll pass on that quarry.

I need a dentist appointment,
But I'll just face disappointment.

Searching for a new way to complete,
Another person's cravings and be discreet,
But too bad looks like I'm beat,
No shoes on my feet,
I really should say foot cause I'm missing a limb/leg gatta take out my spreadsheet.

I'm lost with the game of life and soon I will be found,
Who will be mine to be crowned?
After this I'm home bound,
If I can even get into the house of the sound,

Of it, don't know how much I'm getting paid but I hope it was worth climbing up all those steps,
By the end of the night ima have pretty big biceps.

Is there any ahead danger?,
I need a plan arranger,
This might be a real game changer,
My sister, I endanger,
She's like the park ranger,

Of my moms house,
A.k.a where I live, but it's my club house.

It's where I eat, play and sleep,
And he pounded, went deep,
Leave it out with a bleep,
He definitely was not counting sheep,
And DEF. not a creep,
Ima overleap,
In the truck not make a peep.

What does each line contain?
Anything that comes to my mind and brain,
Even if it don't make sense,
Trying to abstain,
From throwing up from nervousness but that will drain,
At least money is what I gain,
And I'm not in pain,
Changing the fraudulent paces also again.

Pretty people all around downtown,
I can't remember the last time to bed that I wore a night-gown,
Nobody I wanna bring down,
Gatta clampdown,
Gatta be a better way to come down,

From my high,
But that was pretty pleasurable I can't lie,
Or deny.

Shakily thinking heavenly
I need to read the Bible on secondly.
I hope I live past seventy.

I wish if you lived forever that you wouldn't want to commit suicide,
I pretty much lied,
About gay pride,
Not on purpose but I was confused about my sexuality and I needed a guide.

I spit,
When I was sick, coughing up mucus just grody, I didn't think I was gunna make it,
Nd' we all find ourself being a hypocrite,

At some point,
On the way bringing me home he was smoking a joint,
I was the one to appoint,
I didn't want to disappoint.

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