

A light in the night,
spreading smiles to all you visit.
Wildest imaginations,
you bring to life with your whispers.
Chasing away nightmares,
with only the touch of your finger.

You softly orchestrated my dream,
giving me peaceful meadows and pristine waterfalls.
You took away my worries,
making me live to the fullest.
You wiped away my tears,
showing me many smiles and listening to joyous laughter.
You told me not to fear,
giving me a sword and being my shield.

You flew me through endless skies,
and swam through deep oceans.

You gave me a beautiful dream,
and a warmhearted for my morning.

When your nightmares try to take over,
just remember how much I love you.

Dreamer- A best friend to give you a peaceful dream and to give you a wonderful morning.

-- Lauren R.
© #outriderlauren
