

**Beyond Reach**
In the quiet hush of midnight’s veil,
A heart speaks words it cannot tell,
Yearning for what lies unseen,
A dream, a hope, a distant sheen.

Beneath the stars, so far, so bright,
It whispers wishes to the night,
With every pulse, a silent plea,
For something more, it cannot see.

A longing vast, profound, and deep,
In realms where only shadows creep,
Where words fall short and sighs prevail,
In silent echoes, hearts unveil.

The essence of a distant call,
Beyond the grasp, beyond the wall,
An ineffable, elusive trace,
A fleeting touch, a whispered grace.

Yet in this yearning, undefined,
A beauty rare, a solace find,
For in the heart’s unspoken cry,
The soul’s true depths are drawn nigh.

Though never touched, forever sought,
This longing births the purest thought,
A testament to dreams unbound,
Where hope and yearning both are found.
© faintest_pen