

How Uncanny
How uncanny it is
To count on every emotion
To lie on line of devotion
To simply trust on it bursting with pride
To reveal oneself with disguise
To hunt on every clash twice
To let the rust settle on brains
To let the ideas flow in drains
To ignore the reason behind
To pause the actions aside
To stay in dark for long
To survive on puppet songs
To not question the depths of night
To settle beneath the counterfeit beams
To thrive on answers conceived
To remain in dungeon of silence
To sing praises for fake balance
To be bounded by bondage
To worship people on vantage
To be compelled for saviours
To approve on people's failure
To follow the trail of thousands footsteps
To chase the echoes worn by countless subjects
To get blinded with thirst of despair
To disperse the essence of being.
Is it uncanny anymore?
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