

ludicrous depravity
✅ everywhere i go
i close my eyes and think of you
everywhere i go
i think of all the things we used to do
i get no rest
i get no sleep
coz the darkness reminds you of me
i used to be your harley
everything i do now
echoes your voice off the walls i’m sheltered in
and every time i talk
i hear the decibels twined in
the imprint of your facial features stuck underneath my skin from that night long ago April 19, 2019– oh
i’m so glad i dodged a bullet with you
we would’ve been so catastrophic, you know
i know you didn’t see it coz you were so blinded, or was i so blinded and naive to see the truth?
you used to be my cornerstone
i used to go to you everything i didn’t know
ten years, we had it made; but i guess seasons change
fix me up right like i’m your doll
i look for you every single time i fall
forgive me, it’s a habit
i didn’t know what we had was tragic
i’m still in denial, i’m drowning in The Nile, waiting for some white trash to save me, to help me see that i was buried deep within myself
it was my own person hell

now that i’ve time to finally realize what it did to me
my eyes are open, but you won’t believe what i see
honey dear you’re not like me
you’re not a pisces- im not a pisces
idk anyone whose a pisces
bite my
honey bear, go on and fight me if you dare
you can’t touch me, i’m not scared of you anymore
bite me
eat me baby
i’m not your candy coated lie
© Fae 💕