

Cheers up to all the MEN
Yes,yes you're not insane
This is our EGOistic feminism rules
That proves you're a bane.
Even we don't listen to your complains
Oh!Holy shit! I leaked out our golden damn plans,
How to soak off your loyal image into
Dirty stingy false stain.

We know well you're too a sufferer
You're too a silent murmur,
Still we defame you as a fighter,
We brainwashed the society you as a revolver,a game changer,
But you too gets fatigue,abused,harassed and
Gets weaker.
In locked room,your hidden cries
Waits till it completely dries
You're not allowed to
show your weakness,
As we society made you worn the cloak
To hide your realness.

We're too greedy,full of mischief
We can even erase your existence
In sake of law and old belief.

You too bodyshamed and raped,
Still we choose to
Keep our eyes dead.

You run for justice
To get some shelter of peace
Rather handcuffed & shatter into piece.

Dragging here and there
With red-eyed fear,
Stabbed into cut-throat dagger
By nobel and rich administrator.

With dying leaves of little hopes
Ring the bells of faith,
Suffocating into endless ropes,
Surrendered into skies of death.

Zillion of MEN fights
Just to get minor respect and rights,
Billion of MEN spends ages
To walk the life of obstacles,
Million of MEN stares the night
How to nurture their daily fright.

Still their stars don't fell
Burns till they illuminate their rebel
Some stand back multiple times,
Some give up attempting suicide,
Some flags the wins with pride,
Some succumbs into their own ride.

MEN are too human member
Too narrow minds to remember
Flourish the wings of equality
To respect the humanity
To protect the realms of sovereignty.




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