

A Peace Beyond
In the world surrounded by darkness
You flicker, casting a soft glow,
A candle, a reminder of peace in the night,
Guiding me through the labyrinth of uncertainty.

Beyond the veil of darkness,
You stand unwavering,
A symbol of hope amidst the chaos,
Your gentle illumination, making solace,
A safe path, in the dark world.

In the depths of despair, where darkness reigns,
Your flame, whispers of truth and care,
Your warmth, a reminder of promise,
Guiding me towards inner calmness.

Amidst the clamor of doubts and fears,
Your glow remains constant,
A firm companion in the journey,
Guiding me towards a haven of peace.

In a world cloaked in darkness,
You're the single candle, that burns,
Your gentle flame, a sign of hope,

Amidst the shadows
that surround

© #Sherlocked