

Life Is A Roller Coaster
I do not know why
I am just mad
I am not sure myself
If I am happy or sad
The very moment I creep out of bed
Every single thing starts to make me feel bad
How bad you ask?
Really bad
So much so that
Every single word you speak
And every action you make
Raise my rage to its peak
And turn my love to hate
Is it just me
Or is the sky today gloomy?
Not even sunlight can delight me
Maybe I do not know what it means to be happy
Maybe I do not deserve to be
I do not know
Do not ask me
Right now
I feel like I am being locked away in a cell
Perhaps this day simply does not turn out well
After all, luck has not any smell
But yesterday was a heaven
So I should have been able
To tell
Today is going to be a hell
Just a few hours later
Today will be over
And come tomorrow
Which will be better
How do I know?
It does not matter
I mean I do not know
I am not sure
I am no seer
I know no future
But what I know
Life is a roller coaster
That goes on forever
Ever and ever
The weather forecast also says so
Giving me hope for a brighter future
Making my head and heart lighter
A good thought is indeed a painkiller
I mean a pain reliever
© rexfaisal