

Praise of a teacher
It's education
that means we
Are in a process
to attain a purpose
of being educated
getting others educated
to nourish abilities
develop interest of abilities
provide a way
where seems a sway
Imagine of those amazing nights
than make us think of knights
that moves away beyond the earth
As we develop intrest and passion of their hearts
imagine sitted on the table
marking the script of lawyers, doctors and president
the only people who are given permission
by the law to convince, change and correct
at any measure as well as there is behavior transition
Amazing profession where one would always think of
talk about teachers, doctors and professors
the only people who can handle the mind of a man
make change on those tough dwarfs of thoughts
transit fixture that can make them adapt to the system
Make them be a perpetual driver's of them
make them change their old ways of thinking
promote them to the gradual step
with recommendation we are Charles Darwin
With theories that are there to withstand
like the flag it will counter the air
slowly we shall all sing together to celebrate
the effort of this great changers
this great cheerers
this amazing scripters
this cherishing beings whom have acquired
the best thing of humanity where
any person can climb without complain
where travellers seek for directions
where sinners can consult for inquiry
client's can seek for justice
where tourist can unravel

By kings Caleb

© Kingscaleb 👑