

The young seer girl
In a village cloaked in twilight's gleam,
A young seer's dreams began to teem.
Eyes like galaxies, stars in her gaze,
She weaved tales of fate in mystic ways.

Her whispers carried secrets untold,
A tapestry of futures to unfold.
With every glance, the world unfurled,
A seer's gift in the hands of a girl.

Moonlit nights, she'd dance with the wind,
Threads of destiny through her fingers thinned.
In her visions, realms of wonder spun,
A seer's journey had just begun.

Through enchanted woods and rivers wide,
Guided by visions, she'd confide.
The tapestry she wove with care,
Foretelling tales of love and despair.

A kaleidoscope of visions bright,
Her youth aflame with ethereal light.
A seer's heart, both tender and bold,
In the mystic dance of stories untold.