

Conquer Your Fears
In twists and turns of life’s strange ways,
this is where I’ve learned to play.
With heart in head and head in heart,
Problems faced to the end from the start.

To reach our goals we must overcome fears,
The ones that can build over many years. One by one we must face them all,
Rise on up and make them small.

For those who face fear and make it inane,
Will surely rise to the top of their game.
Choose fight over flight, fight on your plane,
Look fear in the eye and render it tame.

Master these things and you will see,
Life will come so easily.
No more fear means no more pain,
Where we can breathe, be our true selves again.

Sing and dance and play in the rain,
Do all the things taken for granted again.
It’s the small things in life that make us feel whole,
So conquer your fears and reach for your goals.

If for nothing else,
Do it for your souls

David John 2023 ©️
© Copywrite 2023