


Lockdown, a term which,
Stopped us from going out.
Whether it's poor or rich,
Had to stay home without doubt.

Forced us to cancel plan to Delhi or Seoul,
And kept us all lockdown at home.
Let's first all be safe was the goal,
Hence only at home were allowed to roam.

Provided us all chance to spend time,
With family, to enjoy that instant,
To read books that are sublime,
To make time for all, not distant.

Gave us some bad news of death,
Terrible and serious at a point.
But also good, giving some breath,
And took away some disappoint.

Proved that Humanity is still alive,
Even in the gloomy days, long.
As many help others to survive,
And developed believe in mankind, strong.

In conclusion, lockdown has changed things lot,
The laugh on the face to smile behind the mask.
That too from distance we all can't spot,
But to be and keep others safe is our first task.

© Diksha Naik

#lockdown #staystrong #staysafe