

taking my life back
this is real and everybody else needs to know if you needed anything else In life you should be happy to see what going on around you I learned how to see great day .and start over with began yes because when you have been GameStop by the one you love and they really shows you that he they really didn't love you I guess they just love it what you can do for them or what they can get out of it. and I learned now that I am loved regardless of who I deal with and I don't think nobody should ever feel any kind of way cuz when you're loyal to people people don't understand loyalty is a genuine thing. I just have to be honest and wise about everything I seen everybody turn against me and I didn't really understand why even my kids but I love them anyway no matter what because they don't always be around me. and I understand now since they grown they got their own like they live and I got to live mine and I'm going to but I had a long journey in Georgia I moved in 2017 everything ain't been perfect but I tried. and my kids didn't understand they knew City Life not country and they tried to fit in and it never played out right I got married in 2018 December and it seems like from here to year 19 my son stole my car and I had him locked up because I mean if dangerous out there enjoy the people don't know how to drive and just think about it I mean people life is really a lot to me and I don't want to take nobody life and I wouldn't want to take mine. that same time he was arrested I mean it's not things happen in 19 I had a grandson in 2019 but though worst thing is 2021 I'm back to Florida for a few months and came back home in May of 21 to disaster and from there I got Foster arrested in October 2021 and from there it just been one thing to another lost my house not once but twice and then lost my car then went from homeless one time to homeless again but hopefully this will be my last time cuz like I said I never imagined between betrayed by my family friends and not supposed to be loved that hurt it but I'm glad God showed me what I need to see and I'm glad that it's over now if I go back to it it will be not but same time I just learn and grow from everything I have seen and didn't think about it they don't think I know about all the things they did I knew about everything as it came along and I also met a friend that I'm going to always going to miss he wasy heart gangstalking and then stolen my clothes stolen my identity knocked down my mailbox messed up I mean torture my car I never really thought that a person could be that cruel but I learned at my last marriage that is real that people could be so on heartless other than respectful but I'll let God still hold that journey damn hold that journey he know how to make the situation better so I just let go and let God and right now I'm just trusting him and let him just do it it's out of my hands because I forgave everybody that I needed to so when he says nobody can expect your actual table they cannot expect it at your table and it was true when they're broke that Bond but now I have my grandkids and I'm glad of that so what happened back them days I let God hold it and I wish everybody the best but same time I'm tired of people keeping my mail or not I'm not able to get my mail my heart was but I am heal and I know I should be able to get my life together
© Selena Ellison