

"Morning Dew"

I am the nameless morning dew
Where darkness falls apart
Where dusk bids its colourful good bye
I never wanna get lost in the crowd
The blue heaven silently calls me shy!
The morning grass calls me a brightest hue
I am the nameless morning dew
I wanna live!
I wanna feel!
I have to go miles away "before I sleep"
O ! my darkness,can u not shine?
O ! my darkness can u not be mine?
I am the nameless morning dew
"Whats there in a name?" Whats there in a fame?
If darkness falls apart can u not bring light to my rain?
If stars fall apart can u not bring ointment to my pain?
I wanna go "far from the madding crowd"
I wanna fly from the busy cacophonic sound
I am the nameless morning dew
O ! thy feel,O ! music of thy heart
Make my soul a joyous guiter than can never hurt
I wander not to be as " lonely cloud"
I wanna be millions of daffodils!
That ever sings tossing her head in joy
I am the nameless morning dew
I dont wanna bid good bye!
O ! sweetest smile please my earth by saying a caring hi!
The earth is crying with its tear
The earth is suffocating with its fear
It needs easeful bliss!
It needs blissful ease!
To heal my earth I dont wanna be a morning dew
That can fill thy grass with brightest hue!
Then the day will come when the grass will sing with its colourful dew!!!!!