

Spoke on Broken

Yesterday your smile helped me to remember
tomorrow is not promised but today
I promise to remember your smile so sweet &
not forget how we spoke on broken yesterday

Who's words realize real lies in time, time out
What am I saying? Real eyes visualize
When our ears don't want us to hear. You're
Where I'm supposed to be, but I'm not there,
Why worry with W when what we wanted was

Love so deep, at a price so steep, but still a steal
For a steel heart stepped on with cheap shots &
cheat codes for games played and low scores set
I'm playing now for the all time high score

Your happiness is not a game, not now or ever
I have proof of insurace to prove the care I'm
Driving is safe and will not make me a liability
4 accidental heartaches & incidental headaches

You're in Good Hands❤️

© JML - Still a Work in Progress