

If you Click a like for the look,Welcome to FACEBOOK
Personal data for storage, when Zuckerberg uses for his own advantage

If you let yourself into endless chatter, you are navigating in TWITTER
Where Words are limited but retweets are unlimited

For your every Like share and subscribe,
You have your channel and your fan tribe.
you guessed it right, that's YOUTUBE
Unfortunately, Tiktok is banned
But that's how shorts are Imitated
YOUTUBE from google is scalable, and so is your scrolling uncontrollable

When you discovered insta, the world is your canvas
But in Reality, your life might be chaos
With all the Lights,camera and hashtags
You can freely Create your reels and showcase

Are you friends in Facebook, but bored of posts and comments
Dive into Instagram, some more drama in new set of colours
You have a name but you are given a handle
More personal stuff and posts with artistic angle

***I want to make it better, please add your version and bring your poetic genius from here after ***

© Womanofwords