

Dreams & Reality
In the realm of dreams, where phantoms roam,
Where desires whisper and aspirations bloom,
Reality's embrace, a distant shore,
A stark contrast to dreams that forever soar.

Like a mirage on a parched desert's plain,
Dreams beckon, a tantalizing refrain,
Their ethereal glow, a celestial fire,
Igniting hopes that burn with fervent desire.

But as dawn breaks, reality's cold light,
Shatters the dreamscapes, banishes the night,
Harsh, unforgiving, its relentless grip,
Tearing illusions, leaving sorrow to drip.

The weight of the world, a heavy burden to bear,
Extinguishes dreams, suffocates every prayer,
Responsibilities chain, dreams clawing to break free,
Caught in a battle, an endless agony.

Yet, within the depths of reality's embrace,
Flickers a flame, a spark of endless grace,
For dreams, though shattered, never truly die,
Their essence lingers, in hope's unwavering cry.

They transform into aspirations, more grounded yet still grand,
A bridge between reality and the realm of the unplanned,
Small steps, each one a testament to the dream's core,
Building a foundation, forevermore.

Dreams and reality, an eternal dance,
A symphony of hope and circumstance,
In their interplay, a journey we navigate,
Embracing the tension, with dreams as our fate.

For without dreams, reality would be drab,
A tapestry woven with sorrow and drab,
But without reality, dreams would take flight,
A fleeting memory, lost in endless night.

So let us cherish this tension, this sacred strife,
Where dreams ignite the spark of new life,
And reality, with its grounding power,
Guides us towards a future that is both vibrant and in flower.

In the tapestry of existence, both threads we spin,
Dreams and reality, an intricate kin,
Together they paint an exquisite masterpiece,
A symphony of hope, a testament to our restless chase.
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