

I remember dancing
just exactly like this
cool and free
and hell bent
letting you watch
and I knew it

I yearn to pull you in warmly
like a sunset is bringing you closer
and enveloping every inch of your skin

it's your heart that I'm hearing
but you're taking up all the air in the room

I had my slice of cake
sitting there in front of me
I was starving myself
but you always reminded me
"baby, you've got to eat'

that's why that saying goes
it goes without saying

you're more pissed
that I licked my plate
than everything you helped give away

women's gossip slurred in whispers
turned into office politics
going against my own character
you're all sleep walking
all you do is talk
just keep on talking

but I just wanna dance
why's it wrong to want
to feel alive every damn day?
society, you can fuck yourself
you are so much better in love

why can't we change this heavy stained atmosphere
swear to God
I'll be better when I'm with God
I must not be meant for this world
'you can run if you feel you have to'
love and pokes
leads to drinks with coke
but never relating to many folks
you make it a sin
to desire something simple
but something more
you can keep playing out this ruse
but I won't, I won't, I won't