

Aaaah! aaaaah! aaaah!
Her scream goes,
But drown by even louder drums
Flat on her back
She struggles to break free
From the clutches of tradition
Hmmm! hmmm! hmmm!
As the gag goes
Stopping the scream
Suffocating the life out of her
Her feet wide apart
Cling! cling! cling!
Unsterilized metals celebrate
The loudest of screams
No one could hear her in silence
Drip! drip! drip!
Like rain, only her tear could flow
Tick tock! tick tock! tick rock!
Time to a standstill it came
Eyes popping wideout, a gaze of terror
As everything froze into a pillar of salt
When life has lost its flavour
Click! click! click!
A sound left behind by echos
As there goes her clitoris

She is left with nothing
But pain and scar
For her pleasure.

©®By Dasalonetiti Rahima.