

Song of November
A soul with beauty is a bliss for eternity,
Whose happiness dwells forever in awake and sleep.
On this endless world, love is also endless
In midst of bedlam, she nourishes serenity alarie.
Love between moon and stars is pristine, so as deep
As her affection of love, smooth and flawless.

With strength of heaven life born in three realms,
Might with lure of hell people step in this platform;
She arrived when heaven and hell together rejoice
Also wrathed out deadly war did tension and calm.
Tulips and orange lilies showered from crown of Athena,
Wisedom in dark and white she determines choice.

Daughter of Mnemosyne, Mousai parted in her soul
Where poets love to live, hears songs which she sings
Songs with benedictions of victorious battle and painful apart.
Latona's son, Apollo crown on her creation console.
Ethereal charm heal so does her love, she wear angel's ring.
Mollifying ache with cwtch of phrase for wanderers of desert.

Piercing sandstorm rise on dry desert
Violent whirlpool on ocean grew higher and higher;
Crumbling ground underneath the feet unstable steps.
Survived those relentless storms she performed in life's concert,
Wings attached white and black, light and strong of soft feathers.
A soul solace to truth, she lying on her mother's lap.

In mid of winter she is a November born!
Beloved of truth a pristine body on earth.
Fog showers as blessings and marigold blooms in happiness,
North wind blew carrying the sound of newborn.
In one life, she will live thousand lives so noble birth;
Today, a lass of eighteen she is a trail of goddess Venus.

© heart of a dying star