

My Knight
Life had no meaning for you until someone came along and brought out colors into your life. Write a poem on it.

My life was dark
Before you came along.
You fell in love with me
But I was too blind to notice.
I tried pushing you away
But you were immune to it all.
I thought it was just a passing fancy
But you proved me wrong,
When you stayed and chose to fight my demons with me.
You outlasted all the others who didn't care to know the real me.

Yet you,
Unlike them wanted to learn everything about me, the bad and the good.
And the best thing about you
was that you learnt how to deal with me.
You pulled me out of my misery and made me finally see the light.

Now that I see the world
in a different light,
I don't want to ever go back and I know you wouldn't let me
Unlike all the others.
All because you're here to stay.
My Sweet Angel.

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