

Disparities/Scorched sun
"In the fell swoon of chance,
I am left bloodied but unafraid,
In the vile sting of life, I fight bitterly to remain,
One with the Gods, to make an advance for divinities hand.
Red as the setting sun, black as the night, I stand in the fire of madness, sanity barely grabbing ahold of my withered thoughts.
Whence they claim themselves kings, I too shall be one with them but not of them,
For I've felt that slithery serpents beguile, I seek goodness but companions none, a friend to all is a friend to none. But with all the begrudging in the world and pain, it is still a beautiful place,
I seek beauty if nothing else,
I'm a piled up mess, in my final rebel I'll write my name in the aisles of existence."

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