

Abounded Stone
#writcopoem #writco

In the quiet corners of his heart, a story begins to unfold,
Where a boy found love in a friendship's hold.
He fell for a girl who placed him in her friend zone,
Yet he cherished her company, silently, unknown.

With every laugh shared and every glance exchanged,
His heart whispered secrets, his feelings estranged.
Through seasons of change, he remains steadfast,
Patiently waiting for love's moment to be cast.

Yet he remains a silent observer, a distant admirer,
Hoping one day, she'll see the fire that burns brighter.
He dreamt of the day when she'd see his love true,
And their friendship would bloom into something new.

Through the passage of time, he stands alone,
His love a monument, carved in stone.
Patiently, he waits for the winds of fate to blow,
And reveal the depths of his love's undertow.

But time marches on, relentless and cold,
Leaving him stranded, his heart untold.
Yet still, he holds onto hope's fragile thread,
Dreaming of the day when their love will be said.

For love knows no bounds, no distance too far,
It's the guiding light, the brightest star.
And though he waits like an abandoned stone,
One day, their hearts will finally find home.
© Deba Rath