

losing battle
Her life was crazy and out of control. The Demons Inside her where taking her soul. She tried so hard to get on track. But her addiction always held her back. She killed the pain, with what she could find. Anything to get the demons out of her mind. She felt hopless and all alone. She had been stripped down to skin and bone. The life she was living drove her insane. She was unable to deal with the hurt and the pain. She tried to run and she tried to hide. She was without hope and empty inside. She never learned just how to cope. Fell apart and lost all hope. Everyone helplessly watched as she fell apart. There was nothing we could do, it broke our heart. It hurt so bad to stand helplessly by. We showing we love her with each tear we cry. All we could do was hope and pray. We all thought she'd get better one day. No one could have imagined what was in store. Beaten and broken she couldn't take anymore. Shaking hurting, losing losing her mind. Peace and happiness she just couldnt find. Exhausted, tired and ready to leave. She wrote a note for those who will grieve. She says she's sorry for what she has done. Drugs and addiction have finally won.
In loving memory of my sister Heather.
