

Elusive Echoes
I spend my days reminding myself that you don't care. The stark reality of your absence echoes in my heart, reverberating through the corridors of my mind, a constant reminder of our fragmented past. I try to convince myself that your indifference is a blessing, as it shields me from the pain of shattered expectations. Yet, as the sun dips below the horizon, my thoughts drift into the depths of the night, and I find solace in the twisted comfort of dreaming that you still do.

In the confines of my slumber, our love thrives, resurrecting its vibrancy in hues of wistful nostalgia. My dreams become a fabric adorned with fragments of laughter, stolen kisses, and the tender whisper of your name against my lips. Time, that relentless arbiter of wounds, dissolves into nothingness, and I am transported to a realm where your touch still electrifies my every fiber. In this ethereal domain, I dream of elaborate dance floors where our bodies sway to the rhythm of our ardor, igniting a fire within our souls that refuses to be extinguished.

Here, in the realm of dreams, your eyes still hold the same velvet warmth that ensnared me from the beginning. They search my very essence, each gaze a longing that silently pleads for reconciliation. The nights become a sanctuary where I can observe our love evolve, surpassing the boundaries of reality and soaring to ethereal heights. The silence, once oppressive in my waking hours, becomes an enchanting symphony as we dance in wordless harmony.

But dreams are fleeting, nebulous entities, for as dawn approaches, the ephemeral beauty of our love fades like mist under the rising sun. I awaken to realize that your caress was nothing more than a phantom touch, the mirage of our entwined souls vanishing as the morning light pierces through the cracks of my longing heart. Once again, I must face the stark reality that you don't care. I am but a ghost, forever condemned to haunt the corridors of your memory, while you remain indifferent to the echoes of our shared past.

And so, I spend my days immersed in the relentless rhythm of existence, an empty vessel navigating through the currents of time. Each moment becomes a test, a desperate battle between hope and resignation. Yet, as the cycle repeats itself, I whisper silent incantations, praying for the return of slumber's refuge. In the dwindling hours of daylight, I yearn for the caress of dreams that resurrect our love, if only for a few stolen moments.

In the dreamscape, our love is eternal, transcending the temporal restraints that plague my waking hours. It flourishes amid the chaos of reality, where I am still the keeper of your heart, and you, the custodian of mine. Curled in the tendrils of dreams, I traverse the ethereal plane, my heartbeat in sync with the whispering wind that carries the rhythm of your name.

As the sun sets, I embark on this eternal dance, the intricate waltz between faded memories and the promise of dreams. Throughout the night, I relish in the captivating illusion that you still care, an enchantment that gives my heart a brief respite from the relentless struggles of the day. With each sunrise, I vow to keep this dream alive, as fragile and transient as it may be, for it is a testament to the enduring power of love and the ethereal realms wherein it thrives, transcending the perceived limits of reality.
© Jevanjee