

I have not changed
there was a time when I would look at you with those big brown eyes and I would say there is not a word that has been invented that describes or defines how much I love you .. I would tell you everyday how much I loved you and how beautiful you were that day and send you things like your one sexy Bitch
B.= Beautiful
I.= intelligent
T.= totally
C.= Cute
H.= Hottie
and I was proud to be your hubby for 15 years it never changed but you went ghost for a reason unknown a year and im still in pain every single day I think of you all day all night I thought we had a special life then you do me like a stranger in the night its like being stabbed but there's no end to my life i get to live with this pain it stays I've lost my best friend what are you thinking? why have you forsaken ?
© David Barrett