

Fullness in Empty | Human Template
In the hollow depths of empty nights,
Where shadows dance and fears take flight,
Echoes resonate with ghostly might,
I find myself in the fullness of blight.

I feel the most fulfilled when hollow's my core,
Where darkness creeps, and light can't restore,
Lost in the depths of an eternal lore,
I find my solace in emptiness galore.

My to-do list full, my heart now bleeds,
In mundane tasks, my soul recedes,
A prisoner bound by worldly needs,
Empty inside, while duty proceeds.

Human template, a life so frail,
Filled with falsehoods, a deceiving veil,
In webs of lies, I find my trails,
A Kafkaesque nightmare, my mind impales.

Wicked games played on mass's minds,
Manipulations that fate unbinds,
They shatter hearts, as darkness finds,
An empty vessel, where sorrow winds.

But let me escape man's feeble scheme,
Into reality's truth, a vibrant dream,
Where cycles break and visions gleam,
In depths unseen, a new world's theme.

In repetition's hold, time slithers by,
A haunting melody, an endless sigh,
Yet in eerie echoes, I shall not lie,
I am alive, in this macabre lullaby.

Through dramatic words and melodies composed,
A symphony of shadows, where darkness unexposed,
Embrace the horrors, let secrets be disclosed,
In equal words, my soul's anguish exposed.
© NightSwimThePoet